
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Learning new things

Now that we have lived here almost two weeks, and I have a full work week (+2 days) under my belt, I thought I'd write about a few things that I have learned since moving here.

- I think that I will always get butterflies every time I go onto base. I have always loved working on base, and every time I arrive at the gate, I get a little wave of excitement… I hope this feeling never goes away.

- It is absolutely unheard of that, at the age of 26 and 23, Mitchell and I are not married yet. Regardless of me never wearing a ring, and no matter how many time I remind people that Mitchell is my boyfriend, he is still referred to as my husband pretty much 100% of the time. Mostly because military families marry very young.

- Anyone who knows me knows that I have been trying to get a job with the military for about 5 years now. I was always turned down, even when I had interviews for jobs that I was overqualified for. This is likely because preference is given to veterans, military spouses, ect.  The case is the same here – meaning I’m constantly being asked if my “husband” (see last bullet ;) )is active duty, or if I used to be active duty. Almost everyone I work with is associated with the military somehow and I can’t begin to tell you how many strange looks I have gotten when people ask me why I came here. I use that as a daily reminder of how lucky I am to have gotten the job of my dreams.

- There are people here from every single state. This means you can be in a room full of people and hear about 5 different accents within a 5 minute conversation. It also means that some people are very welcoming, while others are not. The first day I met my boss, the first thing she asked me was what I knew about the military. I explained that while I had never been active duty, that I was involved with Camp Adventure, where I'd had the opportunity to live on several different military bases and engage with a lot of active duty personnel. She laughed at me and told me I knew nothing. I asked another co-worker a question about the schedule, and after answering my question, she asked me if I had “any other pressing questions?” I don’t think that these people were trying to be mean – they just don’t sugar coat anything, and it has been quite an adjustment! Others aren’t quite so harsh, thankfully!

- Having people from every different state means that you have drivers from every different state. Our 5th night here, we were in a drive through and someone literally backed right up and hit us. While we were waiting for the police officer to show up, we witnessed an accident at the intersection. I can about guarantee that the car I drove here won't be the one that I'll be driving back home when we decide to move back. 

- When you are more tied to the military, you find yourself a lot more attached to issues that face this country. After only one week, I already find myself reading more news articles, paying more attention to politics, and just paying more attention. Especially when American Sniper is such a big movie right now.

- One of the managers asked me what brought me here. When I explained that I've always wanted to work with the military, he asked me why. The military is entirely a world of its own - from the first time I set foot on base in Key West, I knew I loved it. When I explained this to him, he told me that his son has a way of describing it. It's kind of like college where you are parallel to the real world. Sometimes you enter the real world, but all in all, you aren't really a part of it. It really is hard to describe, and that statement might not make any sense, but it is so true.

I still feel so lucky for the opportunity to be here, in North Carolina, working a job that I have always wanted. One that I wasn’t sure I’d ever get. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to remind me it’s real :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

I really wanted to start this blog about a week ago, but of course I am just now getting around to it. I am sure that this will be a recurring theme ;)

It is hard to believe that at this time last week, I was playing pool and drinking Moscow Mules with 2 of my best friends and parents. It is crazy how much has changed in  just a week! Last Tuesday, we left our comfort zone and moved across the country with only a car full of our belongings (and, of course, our cats). We left Iowa at noon and arrived in North Carolina at noon the following day (there is a 1- hour time difference). Mitchell drove the entire way by himself, and didn't complain once. The cats didn't complain once, either ;)

We hit some freezing rain in the mountains of Virginia at about 4:00 in the morning. It was pretty scary, but obviously not a problem, and we made it.

We spent the first days catching up on sleep and trying to find a place to live. We were here only a day and a half before I started my job, and we really wanted to find a place to live before I started. We are settled in a cozy little 1-bedroom apartment that feels very much like home to us. It also has a pool for when the weather starts to get a little nicer (it has been in the upper 50's since we got here).

We quickly learned that because we live in a military town where people are constantly coming and going, furniture is always needed. This is a nice way of saying it's very expensive. Trying to furnish our apartment took a lot longer than we thought- turns out finding a place to live is only half the battle. But it is furnished and we are settled for the most part.

My first day of work was very overwhelming. I got sick the day we left Iowa, and it's been difficult to talk (I know, probably a good thing for me), which made the day a little more difficult than usual. The base is enormous and there were so many people to meet. I was thankful to start on a Friday, then have a 3 day weekend. Tomorrow, I'm starting with training, and it sounds like I'll be at my job location on Tuesday. I'm hoping to know more about my job and get started soon. It feels really good to be back on a base again. I love it!

We went to the beach today (Topsail Beach) which is about 45 minutes from where we live. This is a big touristy area during the summer months, but today we were happy to be some of the only ones on the beach today. There were hundreds of seashells everywhere - I don't think I've ever seen so many perfect seashells on a beach before, and we saw about 4-5 dolphins jumping in the water. I have heard there is also a beach on base. I don't have access yet, but I'm sure that will be something we'll be checking out very soon!

Here are some pics from Topsail Beach today!